Contact the A T Guys

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Exhibitors Wanted for First Ever Michigan Vision Expo in Kalamazoo

A T Guys is pleased to suppor a new opportunity to learn about the latest in technology and services for the blind and visually impaired. Applications are now being accepted for the first ever Michigan Vision Expo. The event will showcase the latest in assistive technology, resources, and other services which can benefit the lives of those who are blind, visually impaired, or losing their vision. Try out the latest portable magnifiers or talking computers, learn about local organizations serving the visually impaired, and meet successful
blind and visually impaired adults.

The event will be held on Saturday, October 1 from 10 A.M.-4 P.M. at the Kalamazoo Public Library in downtown Kalamazoo. The location is ADA accessible and convenient to public transportation. For more information or to register as an exhibitor, please visit

We look forward to your comments and suggestions, and welcome any companies or organizations who wish to assist in planning this event.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhone Tactile Screen Protectors are Here; Preorder and Pick Up in Orlando or Reno

A T Guys is pleased to offer much requested tactile screen protectors for the iPhone, available from a new, reliable source. Place your preorder now and pick up your protector at the NFB or ACB national conventions. Note if you will not be attending one of these conventions, we plan to begin shipping after July 15. Use coupon code Orlando for the NFB convention or Reno for the ACB convention.

Produced by Speed Dots, our custom screen overlays
provide guidance and facilitate navigation of touchscreen devices by placing a single
dot over each letter and control, making it easier than ever before for blind and
visually impaired individuals using the Voiceover screenreader to both orient, as
well as input text and access screen controls quickly and efficiently. Our standard
overlay contains a dot on each letter and input control while our advanced overlay
contains similar markings on buttons and input controls, however only the letters
F and J on the virtual keyboard will contain raised dots.

Why use a tactile screen protector?

While it is true that a blind or visually impaired person does not require tactile feedback to use a touchscreen with voiceover, We have discovered that placing single Braille dots in a few key locations on the
screen can provide a noticeable increase in speed and productivity. If you are new to the touchscreen environment, or dislike the fact that there are no physical buttons on your phone, , then the tactile screen protector can offer both a practical, and affordable solution for you!

How And Why?

While apple has done a great job making its touch screens fully accessible to blind and visually impaired users, , simply placing raised
dots on the surface of the screen in a few key locations can help individuals input text and information accurately and confidently! Apple, along with many third-party developers typically place buttons in the same locations, which we are subsequently able to mark with a small, raised Braille dot. These tiny dots can be easily felt, but in no way obstruct a sighted person's view of the screen as our screen protectors are clear. This makes it easy for you to share your phone with sighted friends, colleagues, family members, etc., without interfering with the phone's operation

Below is a list of the dots and what they represent:

  • Top Left: back/ cancel
  • Top Right: ok /done
  • Top Center: search/heading/Safari address bar
  • Center of Screen: number 5 on the phone pad.
  • Middle Right: send button for text messages
  • Across the Bottom: 5 evenly spaced dots representing soft key functions.
  • Lower Left: Shift
  • Lower right: Delete/Backspace
  • (All of the keys listed above are marked identically on both the Standard and Advanced models of our tactile screen protectors.)

  • Virtual Keyboard (Standard): Each letter is marked with a single dot, with the exception of letters F and J, which are blank and contain no dots. Many users like this layout, as frequently, the dots can be used to represent other points of reference when the keyboard is not enabled.

  • Virtual Keyboard (Advanced): This configuration contains dots on the letters F and J *ONLY*. Users also like this configuration because it is less cluttered, yet still provides the ability to orient to the center row of keys quickly while typing.

Note: Both keyboard options are available. Please be sure to select the correct product when placing your order.

If you are new to the iPhone's layout, or have any questions about either the Standard or Advanced tactile screen protectors, please e-mail or call (269) 216-4798.

We are also still taking preorders for virtually anything else in our catalog, including the iBill money identifier and BCScan bar code scanner. Visit for details.

A T Guys will be exhibiting at table A-1 at the NFB convention in Orlando and booth65 at the ACB convention in Reno. Stop by to say hello and check out our latest products.